March 30, 2009

Getting up dated

I came back early from my last contract in order to go to the Brandon Pyle and Jennifer Craine wedding March 7th. Something I would not have missed for anything (for example, a paycheck). I am heading back up to the AK for my third contract soon. I will need to spend on day in Seattle at the NOAA offices for a briefing before flying back to Dutch Harbor and on to a boat. I have no idea what kind of boat I will be put on this time, but it will be different then any other boat I have been on thus far.

I don't know if any of you heard about the Valcano that blew in AK for the past week. Mt. Redoubt erupted on March 23 5 times leaving a lot of ash across the state, and shutting down flights into and out of Anchorage. All is fine now, and there should be no problem with flights from now into Anchorage then to Dutch Harbor during the next couple weeks when I am likely to be flying back.

I'm excited about getting back to work and getting back out to sea. This time of year has an increased chance of running into marine mammals. I am excited at the chance to see my first whale in the wild. I will share pictures of that happy moment with you when it arises.

I know it's been over a month since I've updated, but this blog is more about the job I'm doing rather than the boring life I tend to lead outside of this job. Trust me when I say that outside of this job, there isn't much that you would feel like reading about.

I still really enjoy this job and the adventure it provides. Every time heading out to sea is different, and every boat I get put onto is different. The people I've met has turned out to be the best part of this job (besides getting paid).

I haven't cut my hair or my beard since January and I plan on allow my face and head to resemble a chia pet for the next three months as well. I will update the blog once I get to AK as much as I can with what is going on, what the job is like, how the seas are, and real accounts of day to day life aboard a fishing boat in the middle of the Bering Sea during the Spring. Thank you for all that have followed this, and I hope that it hasn't been too far in between posts that I have lost some of you. Any questions about the job please ask, and I'll try to answer them the best I can. There are somethings I have to leave out for confidentiality purposes. If I can answer, I will.

- Casey

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