November 8, 2008

The Grind

Week 4 with 3 left. It's starting to feel like it'll never end. The guys on this boat have been out here for 3 months now. 3 months straight away from family. More and more of the guys are starting to spend more money on the satellite phone in the wheel house to call home. I was asked yesterday by three different individuals if I had a girl back home. I could tell in each of their eyes that they weren't just making conversation, they needed to talk. It was obvious in the demeanor and tone in their voice as they asked. They ask only because the one back home is weighting too much on their mind. So of course I said no, and ask them about who it was that was back home. These men were expecting to be home by late October and home for Halloween, but here it is, Oct. 26, and three weeks of the grind still in front of them. They just needed a quick minute or two to talk to someone about how beautiful their woman is back home. How trust worthy this one is. How they wont make the same mistakes with this girl in their life. I barley know these men, but at these times of loneliness and racked with boardem, they divulge the most tender parts of their past to anyone who'll listen. Of course I oblige.

Emotions are going to play a vital roll in the weeks ahead while the hours and days seem to go on forever with no end in sight. The boat didn't expect to be out at sea near as long as it is going to be so some things are going to be getting scarce. Food is starting to run out. Last night was the final Taco night for the rest of the trip. No more milk or liquid coffee creamer. It may be just Cod, rice and bread for the final week. The more pressing issue is the slimming supply of cigarets. Yesterday, the 2/3rd's of the boat that smokes started to realize that the boat is almost out. Maybe a week left of cigarettes. That will be two weeks with emotion filled seaman ready to go home weeks ago, with nicotine withdrawals, tired of fish and rice for dinner. Tempers are sure to flare.

It looks like my commitment may end sooner than I expected. This boat maybe part of the last fleet of boats out fishing. That means I'll be back in Seattle close to November 15 - 20. Of course I wont post this until I get there. Unlike these guys, I'm wanting the fishing to extend as long as possible so that I don't get stuck heading out on another boat on a quick week long trip or something. I like this boat and the guys aboard. I want to end my first contract with these guys. So we'll see what happens.

I'll see you when I see you


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