September 24, 2008



I was standing on the side of the boat taking in the crisp mist of Bering beating against the starboard side of the boat, realizing how isolated I am on a day like today. I remember the events of today 7 years ago and will never forget where I was, the fear, and the tears I shared with those next to me. It was my first year in college in Lewiston, school had been in session for only 2 or 3 weeks. I was waiting for my 7:30 calculus class to start and the teacher was late. He came in with an announcement that there had been a bombing in NYC, and that if we had to leave to go ahead and do so. We went on with lecture with no idea of what really had happened. I had an hour break before my next class, and as my ritual, I went to the Student Union Building for breakfast. That's when I saw what had happened. I ran back to my dorm to watch for the rest of the day. The dorm all watched the scene from the downstairs TV. I remember being in a new city, a new life, surrounded by new faces and knowing that each one of us was feeling sorrow and helplessness all at the same time.

7 years later the conversation on the boat turns to conspiracy theories and peoples ideas of the hypocrisy of the Iraq war. I'm getting bombarded by quotes of Michael More movies and accounts of family members who had been to Iraq or Afghanistan. Though there is a direct connection to the events of 9-11 to our current position overseas, I didn't like the conversation of those events to be clouded by what the military is doing today. My thoughts of 9-11 don't jump to conspiracy theories, or ideas and thoughts of hatred and deception. My thoughts went directly to the families of whom this day a day of morning for a father, mother, brother, husband, wife, child who died a hero, or died an innocent bystander.

I like to spend days like this in conversation with my closest friends. Talk about life, good and bad. I'm not trying to find answers to anything in particular, but just enjoying the exchange of thoughts, fears, and emotion. I can't do that today. All of these conversations have been internal. I enjoy talking with the crew, the captain and the first mate, but conversations like that are best shared with people who know you best. Today is the first day that I really longed for a good stoop conversation about nothing in particular.

- Casey

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